Jackson and Bobby aka. The Dragon Brothers, have done robotics have done robotics for multiple years. Starting in 6th grade year when we decided to impulsively join the robotics team and instantly loved it. We try to splt up our roles evenly, mainly, we both try to do the building, while Bobby does the driving and Jackson (aka the one writing this) does all of the coding. Though a third person to act as a notebooker would be nice, our two person dynamic has worked well for us for many years.
Throughout our years of robotics, we have won 12 awards (and counting). The awards are in the following order:
1. Energy Award | Tournament: UCC Tipping point rumble
2. Create Award | Tournament: Missouri State Championship
3. Judges Award | Tournament: Potosi Tournament
3. Create Award | Tournament: UCC Spin Up Spectacular
4. Judges Award | Tournament: Northwest Vex Tournament
5. Excellence Award | Tournament: Northwest Vex Tournament
6. Tournament Champions | Tournament: Ladue Middle School Tournament
7. Robot Skills Champions | Tournament: Ladue Middle School Tournament
8. Robot Skills 2nd Place | Tournament: Missouri Middle School State Championship
9. Tournament Champions | Tournament: Ladue Middle School Tournament
10. Think Award | Tournament: Missouri State Championship
11. Tournament Champions | Tournament: Ladue Middle School Tournament
Click on an event up top.